FNCE® Sessions for Dietitians in Communications

Hello! How many of you will I see at the annual Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo in a few short days in Washington, D.C.? This year’s event, being held from October 20th – 23rd, 2018, includes a number of solid communications and marketing educational sessions that I wanted to flag for my RDN friends in comms and media, and for food brands and companies that will be onsite and want to learn more as well. As always, if you have questions about marketing your practice or business, set up some time to chat with me!

Here are the sessions that I’ve starred in my FNCE app. This is not a comprehensive list of the comms-focused sessions, but ones that you may wish to attend based on your business needs. Descriptions have been pulled directly from the FNCE website.  

Power Up! Using Strategic Communications to Enhance Your Message, Presence, and Profession

Sunday, October 21 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM Location: 146 ABC

Moderator:  Mindy Hermann, MBA, RDN

Speaker: Stacey Cohen, MBA

Regardless of where we work, information sharing has become more intense and competitive. This session will examine the use of social media and other vehicles of communication for thought leadership and positive impacts on public health, and will explain why professional branding and powerful communications are essential for science based professionals in today’s health and well-being conversations. Themes to be explored include management of professional versus personal brands in and outside of the workplace, powerful tools and resources for branding and messaging, and the art of communicating on timely and controversial topics to strengthen one’s brands.

Culinary Demonstration: How to Deliver Dynamic Cooking Demos On-Site, Online, on TV

Sunday, October 21 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Location: 207 AB

Moderator: Elizabeth Weiss, MS, RDN

Speakers: Rebecca Lewis, MS, RDN; Abbie Gellman, MS, RDN, CDN

Culinary demonstrations enable RDNs to communicate nutrition information to consumers; entertain their audiences; teach basic or advanced cooking skills; and showcase healthy recipes that are affordable, easy to prepare at home, and flavorful. Gaining the confidence to cook in front of a captive audience—on-site, online via Facebook Live, or on TV—is a critical skill set for dietitians working in clinical, community, and private practice settings. During this session, three culinary RDNs will teach attendees how to organize and implement a dynamic cooking demonstration and provide a primer on assessing audience, location, equipment, recipe selection, and tips for cooking in front of a crowd or TV camera. One simple, nutrient-rich recipe will be demonstrated in three different ways to illustrate how recipes can be repurposed for different settings.

Food Porn Dilemmas: Balancing Artful Imagery and Real-World Attainability in Social Media

Sunday, October 21 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM Location: East Salon ABC

Moderator: Rebecca Scritchfield, MA, RDN, EP-C

Speakers: Marci Evans, MS, CEDRD-S, LDN, cPT; Regan Jones, RDN

Presented by Food & Nutrition Magazine, this session will explore “food porn” psychology, including how different representations of food may affect consumer perceptions and the potential unintended consequences of glorified and exaggerated food imagery. Drawing upon recent studies and juxtaposing a bombardment of over-stylized or glamorized food photography with concepts related to body image, this session will address why consumers are drawn to certain representations of food, explain how to consider a balance of artful imagery and attainability, and discuss pressures that RDNs may feel about using food photography to stay visible and relevant among a sea of food bloggers and social media stars.

Podcasts: Tune in to the Perfect Value-Add for Dietitians

Sunday, October 21 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM Location: 147 AB

Moderator: Maree Ferguson, RD, MBA, PhD, FAND

Speakers: Kate Agnew, APD; Melissa Joy Dobbins, M.S., R.D., L.D.N., C.D.E.

Are you already an avowed fan of podcasts – but a bit wary of creating your own? For dietitians, a podcast is a simple-to-produce medium, with minimal investment required, that will help you reach new audiences with your messaging – when and where it’s most convenient for listeners. Join two established dietitian podcasters who have earned a loyal and ever-expanding podcast audience as they share what they’ve learned along the way. Walk away with tips on pitfalls to avoid as you get started; winning strategies to secure and grow an audience; and actionable steps to get your podcast up and running quickly. Understanding the power of podcasting is an important professional development skill for today’s dietitian, and a savvy addition to your marketing strategy.

The Transformative Power of Food and Nutrition Professionals in Industry

Monday, October 22 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM Location: 202 AB

Moderator: Missy Schaaphok, RDN

Speakers: David Grotto, MS, RDN, LDN; Shalene McNeill, PhD, RDN, LDN

Dietetic practice has traditionally focused on hospitals, public health and school nutrition. The last two decades have brought more opportunities for RDNs, including in the food and agricultural industry. These types of positions amplify the voice of our profession to provide a practical yet science-based perspective to help ensure a nutritious and safe food supply around the globe. A facilitated discussion using an interview method will showcase the unique contributions these RDNs make, the challenges they face and the strategies they employ within the industry to help achieve the Academy’s vision: “A world where all people thrive through the transformative power of food and nutrition.” The panel will include three RDNs (two speakers plus moderator) who work for a restaurant chain, a food company, and an agricultural commodity group.

Elevating Your Visual Influence: The RDN’s Guide to Mastering Video

Tuesday, October 23 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM Location: 146 ABC

Moderator: Janet Helm, MS, RDN

Speakers: Ellie Krieger, MS, RDN; Manuel Villacorta, MS, RDN; Regan Jones, RDN

This session will instruct registered dietitian nutritionists on how to enhance their nutrition communications, grow their online presences, and build their brands by learning how to livestream and self-produce videos. Participants will learn how to turn nutrition science into delicious and nutritious food choices while motivating, inspiring and engaging consumers through video-based content.


Which sessions are on your must-attend list?

Krista Ulatowski, MPH, RDN:
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