Hello, Kitchen!

I’m a dietitian. And I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Not all dietitians cook. Shhh…that’s right. I will readily admit that I can be quite the lazy “cook” – if I can prep a quick salad for dinner and nuke a couple of Hilary’s veggie burgers for a whopping total of five minutes of prep time, I’m all over it. Breakfast day in and day out for several years was cold cereal, until my boyfriend began making me eggs for breakfast.

I was on the hunt for an apartment about a year ago and found the cutest little studio. The drawback, however, was that it didn’t have an oven. “How odd,” I thought! It had two stove-top burners but no oven. “But sweetie,” my boyfriend said, “You don’t use the oven!” Oh. Touché.

My lack of time spent cooking is not a reflection of my lack of interest in food – believe me, I spend nearly all day thinking or writing about food! And cooking is in my genes. My mom made a wonderful warm meal – a casserole, veggies, chicken soup, lasagna, you name it – nearly every night for my three brothers and me when we were growing up. But I was never one to pitch in unless she was baking. Cookies? Yes, please, I’ll help with that. And then I’ll lick the beaters.

As an adult, I have been a very simple cook. A pasta dish here, another pasta dish there. I wish I had inherited my mom’s sense of adventure and dedication in the kitchen. She could whip up a meal without a recipe and when we’d ask her to make it again she warned us it would never be exactly the same as last time. My boyfriend cooks much the same way – although his style is a bit more meat and potatoes!

But I’m now trying to spend more time in the kitchen. I want to create. I want to eat a wider variety of protein, grains and veggies for dinner. And I’ll let you in on another secret. Want to know what has me tying my apron strings once more? Hello Fresh meal delivery. Yes, really! I’m not here to write an ad on their behalf (this is not sponsored in any way), but I wanted to gush about how easy and convenient their veggie meals have been to make. I’ve whipped up their Sweet Potato and Black Bean Tacos, Brown Rice Bibimbap and Yellow Squash Flatbreads over the past few weeks and have happily committed to the 20-40 minutes of prep and cook time. And they are delish!

And I’ve truly been enjoying my time by the stove. And yes, by the oven.

Krista Ulatowski, MPH, RDN:
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